Sunday, June 11, 2006

Confessions of the Dumb Heart !

There are moments of stupendous brilliance in everybody's life, moments which pump up that adrenalin, rock the boat of that perfectly functional and almost sane organ called, the Brain. We cannot say the same for the Heart; because the heart as we all know is a Dumb Organ, although as important as the brain for us to survive and carry on with our normal business of life.
But as we pronounce the Heart guilty of all the crimes, even before a trial, the so-called Dumb Organ stands up before the jury, and delivers an impressive account of what it has encountered.

Straight from the Heart:
As they say, the first bite is the deadliest; I quote Mario Puzo from Godfather, its "the Thunderbolt Effect", hence it might be the eyes, which ought to be guilty of the crime they did, by even straying close to that pure, serene figure of a woman.

To hurt a fellow being is inhuman, and to hurt an already wounded being is equivalent to a sin. Hence, it would not be wrong to put before the jury, the crimes of the nose, and the ears, which not only dared as much as to smell, but also listen to that gust of wind, that was once the proof of her presence.

It's eventually the mind that plays the final culprit. What is it with the mind, that it wants not to treasure every moment of what one has got, but to steal, brood, be jealous. The mind, the organ who claims to have governed the lives and rise of Kings and Intellectuals over this wicked earth, wants the eyes, the ears, the nose, and all the organs in the condemned body to steal and whimper of her image in the moon, brood over what she might be contemplating in her sleep, and be jealous of the sun's rays that kiss her everyday, shamelessly not even caring about the Heart.

And if I might be pronounced guilty today, so be it...I'll consider it a service done to my existence, but before I lean on that mercyless guillotine...let me express my rancor to this world, because once that I'm gone, they'll dance on my departure feasting eyes on my beloved.
But before I go, I grieve and declare my love for her !

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Euphoric Travails

As of now, I am absolutely thrilled about this name.
Pleasure and Pain, according to me are the two facets of a universal coin, from Godse to Gandhi, from India to Africa, everything-every second one experiences are just one or the other of the two facets. There are middle instances also, but for they are not of much significance, as they just reflect stagnancy in this otherwise dynamic world.
We will come back to the topics of "The Middle Way" and "Dynamic World", but as for now we'll deal with the two extremes or the two facets of the coin per se.

Pleasure and Pain, the two faces seeming unrelated share the same umbilical cord, the question that arises here however is, how? And how is it related to my being excited about the name of this blog.

Let us just begin by having a look at the dictionary definitions of the two,
Travail - A work especially of a laborious or painful nature.
Euphoria - A feeling of well-being or elation.

Life, as I see is made of experiences, good or bad depends upon perception and the time. Hence, we might as well say, it’s like traveling on a road where one can see that there is light, but still not enough for you to make sure where you are actually headed. On this road, there will be specks where you will not have even light enough to stick to the road, coming off and coming back on; and there would be specks where you would just be overwhelmed by your luck that you can see miles in advance. Well, that's how I see life.

Now every part of that road is like Travail, even the parts where there is adequate light for you to plan your way ahead because you know this light is ending at the oblivion. And at the parts, where the light is actually low, it’s a feeling of hope that I might be headed towards light, is a feeling of Euphoria.

While reading this, you might feel that it’s actually the opposite; but that is what I am trying to convey here; that after every run, after every storm, that first sigh of relief, that gust of air in your lungs, that's a feeling of well-being and vice-versa. Hence, Pain and Pleasure; Euphoria and Travails are distant cousins, who albeit separated in the eyes of the world, enjoy each others company.

I might as well conclude by saying, I don't mind my life being a set of travails, one after the other, because the feeling of motion, being able to walk on this road is a high, a state of well-being, a euphoria in itself.